Lajpat Nagar Metro Station, Block M, New Delhi, 110024


096506 82102

Neck Pain Relief
and Expert Care

Experience effective relief from neck pain through specialised
treatment provided by the seasoned experts.

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Understanding Neck Pain: Causes and Care

Poor posture, whether induced by prolonged computer usage or a slouched position at a workbench, can strain the delicate neck muscles. Neck pain is the discomfort originating in the neck region, often accompanied by radiating pain down either one or both arms. This pain can stem from various disorders or diseases affecting neck tissues, bones, nerves, joints, muscles, or ligaments.
Neck pain manifests as radicular neck pain, shooting into adjacent areas like shoulders or arms, or axial neck pain, primarily felt in the neck. It may be acute, lasting from a few days to six weeks, or chronic, persisting for over three months. Left unaddressed, neck pain can significantly impede daily activities and diminish overall quality of life.
Thankfully, the majority of neck pain cases are non-threatening and respond well to conservative treatments, such as prescribed pain management, targeted exercises, and effective stress management techniques. However, in rare instances, neck pain could signal a more serious underlying condition. Seeking prompt medical attention from a spine specialist is crucial if experiencing neck pain accompanied by numbness or weakness in the arms or hands or if the pain radiates into the shoulder or down an arm.

Neck Pain Risk Factors: The Contributors

The risk factors for neck pain parallel those seen in various musculoskeletal conditions, sharing commonalities such as genetic predisposition, psychopathological aspects (e.g., anxiety, depression, somatisation, inadequate coping mechanisms), tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, and sleep disturbances. However, neck pain possesses its distinct set of risk factors:

Warning Signs

Presence of these symptoms should alert to a more serious underlying cause and a prompt consultation with your doctor is recommended in such cases

  • Arm pain > Neck pain
  • Persistent pain in the legs and below the knees
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction
  • Sudden severe pain not subsiding in 2 days
  • Mild to moderate pain not subsiding in 1 week
  • Any pain > 6 weeks (on and off)
  • Post-traumatic pain
  • Pain even on lying down
  • Age > 60 yr
  • Associated symptoms fever, weight loss, h/o cancer, immunosuppression or steroid use
Image of a woman with back pain which is highlighted in red.

Non-Surgical Treatment Methods for Managing Mild to Moderate Neck Pain

In cases of mild to moderate neck pain, which are the most common, timely self-care measures often yield positive outcomes within a span of two to three weeks. Simple remedies such as pain relievers and the application of heat can prove effective in providing relief.

Bed rest – either relative rest or absolute rest based on the severity of pain - You may benefit from a cervical collar which stabilizes your neck.

Local application of ice packs followed 24-48 hours later by heat. In the initial phase ice reduces swelling, pain and spasms. Once acute pain subsides, switching over to heat (hot water bag application) reduces spasm and warmth relaxes the muscles.

Over the counter analgesics – (Paracetamol or Diclofenac) (It is strongly recommended to consult a doctor before self medication)

Neck Pain Diagnosis

The diagnosis of neck pain is a meticulous process overseen by a neurosurgeon, involving a thorough review of the patient's medical history, a detailed assessment of symptoms, a comprehensive physical examination, and, when warranted, the evaluation of diagnostic studies. In this methodical approach, priority lies in ruling out severe underlying causes of neck pain, such as spinal cord compression, myelopathy, infections, or malignancies. Key diagnostic tests may be pivotal in this investigative journey. They include:

A loaded injection shot for lower back pain.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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